Experiencia en el ámbito de la Terapia Artistica Antroposofica, Dibujo y Pintura, Arte Contemporáneo, conservación de pintura y Art research.​
Dulcie Sturla:
Es una Arte Terapeuta Antroposófica con título oficial, obtenido tras un extenso recorrido académico. Además, es Profesora de Dibujo y Pintura. Ha trabajado en prestigiosas instituciones como Studio in a School, el Children’s Museum of the Arts y el Children’s Museum of Manhattan. Su formación se ha enriquecido con capacitaciones en el Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) y el Whitney Museum of American Art. Asimismo, colaboró en la creación e implementación del programa "Blue Print for Teaching and Learning in the Arts" en la ciudad de Nueva York, junto a Studio in a School.
Damian Kaliyeski "Chaval":
Artista Plastico y profesor de pintura y dibujo. incursiono en la restauración de pintura, el mundo de las antigüedades, la fotografía y venta de obras desde 1999 en la ciudad de New York. Como artista expuso sus obras mayormente en New York, En Abril del 2003 recibe el premio “Artist Achievement” otorgado por Charlotta Kotik, curadora y jefa del Departamento de Arte Contemporáneo del Brooklyn Museum of Art. website: www.chaval.org ver obra
Experienced in the field of Anthroposophic Art Therapy, Drawing & Painting, Contemporary Art, conservation and research
Dulcie Sturla:
Is an Anthroposophic Art Therapist with an official degree, achieved after an extensive academic journey. She is also a Drawing and Painting Professor. She has worked in prestigious institutions such as Studio in a School, the Children’s Museum of the Arts, and the Children’s Museum of Manhattan. Her training has been enriched through programs at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and the Whitney Museum of American Art. Additionally, she contributed to the creation and implementation of the "Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in the Arts" program in New York City, in collaboration with Studio in a School.​
Damian Kaliyeski "Chaval":
Atended Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires. Since 1999, has worked in New York City in the Art Restoration and Antiques Business while pursuing his artistic projects.Has exhibited his paintings in several New York City galleriesCurrently splits his time and work between New York City and Buenos Aires.
website: www.chaval.org ver obra